Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

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Checkout Field Editor

Optimize your checkout process by adding, removing or editing fields to suit your needs.

Conditional Checkout Fields

Add a feature to restrict the display of a given checkout field depending on products and categories in the cart.


Current Status


Last updated: January 27, 2020


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  1. adminbermyrecipebox says:

    Conditional fields would be extremely useful. When my customers select their weekly meals I want them to choose a delivery slot but this field should not be shown for normal check out.

  2. garylayne2 says:

    If I am Selling an item that requires a date to be added AND items that don’t require a date I don’t want REQUIRED DATE on both… Display of checkout fields should be ITEM specific. Let me choose DISPLAY requirements… Other paid plugins do, yours doesn’t

  3. aponline says:

    Conditionals for checkout fields should include payment gateway: For example only collect customer’s email if pay via coins, but collect all information if pay via credit card.

  4. Anonymous says:

    ‘Conditionals for checkout fields would be nice for:
    – For some products I want to require a phone number
    – For resubscribing or switching subscriptions a I want to block editing the checkout fields as it conflicts with existing user information