Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

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Name Your Price

Allow customers to define the product price. Also useful for accepting user-set donations.

Add option to name your price and extension to hide the price label and variable products

I am using the name your price extension within a variable products. This product allows customers to pick between certain prices or to name their own price. Since it is a variable products the price label reads “From $X”.

This is fine under normal circumstances but since one of my product variations have the price of name your price, the price label now reads “From $0”. Specifically this is a donation product and no one is going to donate zero dollars.

So you can see how the option to hide the price label for a variable products that is using the name your price extension is quite sensible.

To be clear I am only speaking of hiding the price label just beneath the product name. The price label that shows up at the bottom just above the add to cart button once the user selects their product variation should still show.

That is my recommendation. Thank you for considering adding this feature in a future update of the name your price.


Current Status


Last updated: August 15, 2022


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  1. Sharon Schanzer says:

    I had the exact same issue and had to hire a developer to fix. Seems like a bug to me!

  2. Kathy Darling says:

    I agree with this. Variable products are tricky, but I will see if I can get this into version 2.4.