Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

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WooCommerce Order Barcodes

Generates a unique barcode for each order on your site — perfect for e-tickets, packing slips, reservations and a variety of other uses.

Add expiration date for the booking or ticket to be used for only one time. If the barecode used after the time to be inform that it expired

when the customer make booking for doctor on for example(Monday at 3:00 PM) while this booking only for this time & if the customer go after that time he can’t take the service.

And so the system supposed to limit this

And the WooCommerce Order Barcodes not inform that the time is expired

It supposed a message issued from WooCommerce Order Barcodes that this booking is expired

Also some services as tickets which to be used for only one time, while it actually not happen


Current Status


Last updated: March 20, 2021


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