Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

Product Icon

Product Add-Ons

Offer add-ons like gift wrapping, special messages or other special options for your products.

Product Add-ons option to appear in “pop up” window

I am starting to build out my website and the list of add-ons is getting quite long and making my product page look ugly. I am wondering if there is a way to have the product add ons appear in a “pop up” window after a user clicks add to cart?

For example take a look at the link below for functionality.

You make your single product selection first on the product page, and then all of the other stuff happens once you click “personalize and add to cart”

That is the exact functionality I am looking for on my website. It is becoming quite long and ugly with all of the personalization information being on the product page.


Current Status


Last updated: October 14, 2020

1 comment

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  1. fineartjeweller says:

    YES!! Modal/off-canvas functionality. PLEASE IMPLEMENT THIS AS A DISPLAY OPTION. ❤️ This is 100% exactly what I need for add-ons. Unfortunately, I have yet to be successful in figuring out coding that puts the add-ons in a modal window or off-canvas slide-out. 🙁 This is a beautiful way to offer add-ons; with the immense variety and capabilities of front-end site editing features, a modal display method should really be included as an option for front-end add-on presentation.