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added by Latoya

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Woo Subscriptions

Let customers subscribe to your products or services and pay on a weekly, monthly or annual basis.

Add Order/Subscription info to WordPress user page for Admin Purposes

When a Woo user logs into their My Account page they are presented with all of their orders and subscriptions. It would be nice if there was something similar for the administration area. When you go to a user account in WordPress, it could list each Subscription and the orders associated to it. Everything in one place. You could almost replicate the same functionality from the front-end My Account page.

Also on the page where you can view all users, having a column where you can see active Subscriptions would be nice.

A plugin would work well for this as we could have options to choose what we want to display on the user page.


Current Status


Last updated: September 23, 2014


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