Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

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fix the free shipping for order above $X

On my store, customers qualify for free shipping if their cart total is above $60, otherwise they pay $5 for shipping.
I can set the minimum threshold, but if they reach the $60 there are two shipping methods, the paid and the free one, which makes no sense, since those are the same shipping method.
A fix could be done by allowing merchants to set both a minimum threshold and a maximum threshold.

For example: free shipping for orders above $60.
Shipping method 1: flat rate, minimum threshold 0, maximum threshold $59.99, shipping price: $5.
Shipping method 2: free shipping, minimum threshold $60, maximum threshold ∞, shipping price: $0.



Current Status


Last updated: February 2, 2023


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