Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

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Opayo Payment Suite

Take payments on your WooCommerce store with the UK’s most trusted payment solution. A selection of 3 gateway integrations to suit your business needs including Direct, Form and Pi. Always in front, with your business.

Change multiple references of “Sage Pay” to “Opayo”

Updating to ‘Opayo Payment Suite’ version 5.13.1 appears to have updated the URL as required by Opayo. However, there are still quite a few occurrences of “Sage Pay” throughout the plugin: in the Checkout, on the ‘Order Received’ page, in the email sent to us, in the email sent to the customer. Please can these be updated to say “Opayo”? Also, where it says “Payment Method: Credit Card via Sage Pay” could it please be changed to include debits cards, e.g., “Payment Method: Debit/Credit Card via Opayo”? Thank you.



Current Status


Last updated: March 26, 2024


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