Affirm Banner | Q2 2024

added by Latoya

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Counts for All Products

It would be very hardy to create a tab that displays products with their total count of waiting users. Either by variation or a total figure.

I know it can be broken down into sizes by searching but seeing a list of all products by popularity is much handier.

The current dashboard most shows X amount, for mine I see 1 popular product with all of the variations listed so I have no idea what other products people are waiting for.


Swell Sites

Current Status


Last updated: December 15, 2023

1 comment

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  1. orhanf says:


    Orhan from here. By default, only 5 products show up in the leaderboards, but this can be changed via filters.

    We’d be happy to help you display more products in those leaderboards. Can you please reach out to our support team and reference this Feature Request in your ticket so we can look into it. You can use this URL to contact us: