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  2. Cashback for WooCommerce

Cashback for WooCommerce

Cashback for WooCommerce can offer cashback to users for actions such as placing orders, using certain payment methods and shipping methods.


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1. Download the cashback-for-woocommerce.zip file from your WooCommerce account.

2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File.

3. Install Now and Activate the extension.

More information at: Install and Activate Plugins/Extensions.

Setup and Configuration

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To access the plugin settings navigate to Dashboard > Cashback > Settings

Order Cashback

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  • By default, the cashback for orders will not be issued to your users. Enable Order Cashback checkbox to award order cashback to your users.
  • By default, the cashback will be issued based on the First Matched Rule. You can change the Rule Priority to award the cashback based on your needs.


  • Click the “Add New Rule” button to create a new rule.
  • Enter the name for the rule in the Rule Name field
  • Fill in a description for the rule in the Description box. This description will not be displayed to the user.
  • In the Rule Status option, if the rule is set to Active, the rule will be considered for Cashback.

Rule Configuration – General

  • Select the Cashback Type as “Percentage of Cart Subtotal/Percentage of Order Total/Fixed Value” & set the value in the Cashback Value field.
  • If you wish to apply this rule for a fixed number of times for each user, then set the value in the User Restriction field.
  • If you wish to restrict this rule should apply for a fixed number of orders, then set the value in the Order Restriction field.

Rule Configuration – Criteria

  • To create a Criteria, click the “Add Rule” button.
  • Configure the Criteria based on your preferences and needs.
  • You can create a Criteria with a single condition or you can create a Criteria with multiple conditions.
  • To create a Criteria with multiple conditions, click the ADD button. When multiple conditions are configured, your customers should match all the conditions within the Criteria for eligible to get the cashback.
Example: A Customer’s cart must contain Product A and the Order Total should be more than $100.
  • You can also create 2 or more unique sets of Criteria for the Cashback.\
  • When 2 or more unique sets of criteria are configured, then the customer only needs to satisfy one Criteria. To create a new set of Criteria, click the Add Rule button.
Example A Customer’s cart must contain Product A and the Order subtotal should be more than $100. Or A Customer’s cart must contain Product B and the previous purchase history should be more than $300.

Rule Configuration Table

Once the rule has been successfully created, then a separate entry will be created. Following columns will be present in the table using which you can edit/deactivate/delete the rule(s) based on your needs, – Rule Name – Order Limit – Order Usage – Created Date – Last Modified Date – Status – Actions


You can customize the message displaying in the cart & checkout.


You can customize the log recorded for cashback received through purchase in the order at both frontend[My Account -> My Cashback] & backend[Cashback -> Transactions].

Payment Gateway Cashback

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  • By default, the cashback for using certain payment methods will not be issued to your users. Enable Payment Gateway Cashback checkbox to award order cashback to your users.
  • By default, the cashback will be given based on the First Matched Rule. You can change the Rule Priority to award the cashback based on your needs.


  • Click the “Add New Rule” button to create a new rule.
  • Enter the name for the rule in the Rule Name field
  • Fill in a description for the rule in the Description box. This description will not be displayed to the user.
  • In the Rule Status option, if the rule is set to Active, the rule will be considered for Cashback.

Rule Configuration – General

  • Select the payment gateway for which you wish to issue cashback in the Payment Gateway Selection option.
  • Select the Cashback Type as “Percentage of Cart Subtotal/Percentage of Order Total/Fixed Value” & set the value in the Cashback Value field.
  • If you wish to apply this rule for a fixed number of times for each user, then set the value in the User Restriction field.
  • If you wish to restrict this rule should apply for a fixed number of orders, then set the value in the Order Restriction field.

Rule Configuration – Criteria

  • To create a Criteria, click the “Add Rule” button.
  • Configure the Criteria based on your preferences and needs.
  • You can create a Criteria with a single condition or you can create a Criteria with multiple conditions.
  • To create a Criteria with multiple conditions, click the ADD button. When multiple conditions are configured, your customers should match all the conditions within the Criteria for eligible to get the cashback.
Example: The customer’s cart must contain more than 5 products and they should have purchased Product A previously.
  • You can also create 2 or more unique sets of Criteria for the Cashback.
  • When 2 or more unique sets of criteria are configured, then the customer only needs to satisfy one Criteria. To create a new set of Criteria, click the Add Rule button.
Example: Customer’s cart must contains more than 5 products and they should purchased the Product A previously. Or Customer’s cart doesn’t contain Product B and has placed more than 5 orders.

Rule Configuration Table

Once the rule has been successfully created, then a separate entry will be created. Following columns will be present in the table using which you can edit/deactivate/delete the rule(s) based on your needs, – Rule Name – Payment Gateway Name – Order Limit – Order Usage Count – Created Date – Last Modified Date – Status – Actions


You can customize the message displaying in the cart & checkout.


You can customize the log recorded for cashback received using specific payment gateway in the order at both frontend[My Account -> My Cashback] & backend[Cashback -> Transactions].

Shipping Cashback

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  • By default, the cashback for using certain shipping methods will not be issued to your users. Enable Shipping Cashback checkbox to award order cashback to your users.
  • By default, the cashback will be given based on the First Matched Rule. You can change the Rule Priority to award the cashback based on your needs.


  • Click the “Add New Rule” button to create a new rule.
  • Enter the name for the rule in the Rule Name field
  • Fill in a description for the rule in the Description box. This description will not be displayed to the user.
  • In the Rule Status option, if the rule is set to Active, the rule will be considered for Cashback.

Rule Configuration – General

  • Select the shipping method for which you wish to issue cashback in the Shipping Method Selection option.
  • Select the Cashback Type as “Percentage of Cart Subtotal/Percentage of Order Total/Fixed Value” & set the value in the Cashback Value field.
  • If you wish to apply the rule for a fixed number of times for each user, then set the value in the User Restriction field.
  • If you wish to restrict the rule should apply for a fixed number of orders, then set the value in the Order Restriction field.

Rule Configuration – Criteria

  • To create a Criteria, click the “Add Rule” button.
  • Configure the Criteria based on your preferences and needs.
  • You can create a Criteria with a single condition or you can create a Criteria with multiple conditions.
  • To create a Criteria with multiple conditions, click the ADD button. When multiple conditions are configured, your customers should match all the conditions within the Criteria for eligible to get the cashback.
Example: The Customer’s cart must contain less than 4 products and doesn’t contains the products from Category A.
  • You can also create 2 or more unique sets of Criteria for the Cashback.
  • When 2 or more unique sets of criteria are configured, then the customer only needs to satisfy one Criteria. To create a new set of Criteria, click the Add Rule button.
Example: The customer’s cart must contain less than 4 products and doesn’t contain the products from Category A. Or The customer’s cart must contain the products from Category B and their previous purchase amount should be more than $500.

Rule Configuration Table

Once the rule has been successfully created, then a separate entry will be created. Following columns will be present in the table using which you can edit/deactivate/delete the rule(s) based on your needs, – Rule Name – Shipping Method Name – Order Limit – Order Usage Count – Created Date – Last Modified Date – Status – Actions


You can customize the message displaying in the cart & checkout.


You can customize the log recorded for cashback received using a specific shipping method in the order at both frontend[My Account -> My Cashback] & backend[Cashback -> Transactions].


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Advanced Settings

  • By default, the validity for cashback will be set as 365 days. If you wish to change the value, you can change it in Cashback Balance Expires After field.
  • By default, the cashback will be given to users when the order status reaches “Processing/Completed”. If you wish to change/include the additional order status, you can do it in the Order Status to Issue Cashback multi-search field.

My Cashback Labels

You can customize the Cashback Table Labels & Transaction Log Labels displaying in My Account -> My Cashback.

Cashback Usage Labels

You can customize the cashback redeeming labels displayed in checkout.

Localization Labels

You can customize the debited, revised & expired logs recording in Transaction Table.

All Cashback

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  • You can see the Cashback Details of each user in this menu.
  • Following columns are present in the table, i) Username ii) Available Cashback Balance iii) Total Cashback Amount Spent iv) Expiry Date v) Expired Cashback Amount vi) Last Activity vii) More Details
  • You can view all the transaction details of each user using the “View” link present in the More Details Column.
Users A separate dashboard will be displayed for each user under My Account > My Cashback where they can see their entire cashback history.


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You can see the entire Cashback Details of your users in this menu.


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Cashback Earning

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Cashback can be issued for the following actions,

Order Cashback – Earning

  • The Users adds few products to their cart.
  • They will be eligible to receive a cashback once the configured criteria match with the user who is making the purchase.
  • Once the configured criteria have matched, they can see the message in the cart & checkout that shows the cashback amount they can receive after completing the order.
  • Once the user completes the purchase, the cashback amount will be credited to the user’s account.

Payment Gateway Cashback – Earning

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  • The Users adds few products to their cart.
  • They will be eligible to receive a cashback once the configured criteria match with the user who is making the purchase.
  • Once the configured criteria have matched and the payment gateway which is configured to issue cashback is selected, they can see the message in the cart & checkout that shows the cashback amount they can receive after completing the order.
  • Once the user completes the purchase, the cashback amount will be credited to the user’s account.

Shipping Cashback – Earning

  • The Users adds few products to their cart.
  • They will be eligible to receive a cashback once the configured criteria match with the user who is making the purchase.
  • Once the configured criteria have matched and the shipping method which is configured to issue cashback is selected, they can see the message on the cart & checkout page that shows the cashback amount they can receive after completing the order.
  • Once the user completes the purchase, the cashback amount will be credited to the user’s account.

Note: Cashback for all the above three actions will be credited to the user’s account based on the order status.

Cashback Usage

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  • The Users adds few products to their cart and proceeds to the checkout page to place the order.
  • If the user has an unused cashback balance, it will be automatically be applied to the user’s cart to receive a discount.
  • If the user wishes to not use the available cashback balance, they need to uncheck the “Cashback Balance” checkbox on the checkout page.
  • If the user’s cashback balance was used during the purchase, it will be deducted from the user’s account.


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Cashback for WooCommerce Plugin is translation ready meaning you can edit the po files by which you can translate the text to any language.

  • Download and install Poedit
  • Open the file cashback-for-woocommerce > languages > cashback-for-woocommerce.pot using Poedit.
  • Create a new translation file by clicking Create new translation button.
  • Choose the Source text and set its corresponding French text in Translation Text Area.
  • Save the changes.
  • Save the file name as cashback-for-woocommerce-fr_FR.po.
  • Then go to WordPress dashboard > Settings > General and select the Site Language as French.