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added by Latoya

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Product Bundles

Offer personalized product bundles, bulk discount packages, and assembled products.

Min. Price for product pack

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I would like to have a minimum price to make a pack. I need the product to be at least 30 euros. I know there is an extension for quantity of products, but you cannot control the minimum price of the product.


Current Status


Last updated: October 15, 2019

1 comment

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  1. Maria says:

    If this is meant for product bundles, I second this. It would be useful to be able to set the minimum price for a bundle (currently it is only possible to set a minimum quantity), so that customers can select optional products within one bundle and configure it as they like, as long as the overall price is equal to or greater to a fixed amount.

    See email thread between myself (Francesca) and Maria – 18/06/2020